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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

carnatic music, navaratri, Wesleyan Unviersity

I know that this is off topic. But you must really listen to this to believe it. These are both undergraduate and graduate students at Wesleyan University in Middletown CT (where I work) trained by Professors Balu and David Nelson performing at last year's Navaratri Festivals.

Wesleyan has a tradition of Navaratri festival (not necessarily coinciding with the dates, but typically in late Sept/early October) which was begun by late Sangeetha Kalanidhi Prof. T. Viswanathan (Viswa). It is typically a four day celebration where professionals sing or dance. This year, as a prelude to Prof Balu's performance, the students sang and it was just awesome. Hope you enjoy it.

Also, I need to get back to keeping this blog more active... So I am planning to write more often.

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